2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog

ECON 102 Microeconomics

Why do you buy the things you do? And how do companies know which goods and services to produce to appeal to the most customers? Microeconomics is the branch of economics that examines how individuals, households, and businesses decide to use the limited resources available to them. So, if you’ve ever wondered about the meaning of terms like “supply and demand,” “prisoner’s dilemma,” “markets,” and “consumer behavior,” this course is for you!

In this course, you’ll study the economic behaviors of households and businesses and also see how the interaction between supply and demand determines prices in the marketplace. You’ll learn how to interpret economic models, examine the effects of competition, and explain the role that government plays in a mixed economy. By the end of this course, you’ll have an excellent foundation that will enable you to discuss basic principles of economic markets and the desires and decisions that shape them.




Meets the general education social science or business management requirement.