
Greenville College has a historic but ever-increasing commitment to multicultural education. Multicultural programming has been in existence for decades, and is fostered through strong faculty and student leadership. The Office of Multicultural Affairs and Cross Cultural Programs were established to help integrate and develop these leadership efforts. Events such as our Gospel Festival Celebration, Hispanic Heritage Dinner, Monthly Heritage Activities, and Multicultural Festival encourage members of our community to discover the richness of God’s diverse creation. Furthermore, all students must complete a cross cultural requirement in order to graduate.

Our goal is to create an academic community persistently and increasingly marked by ethnic diversity among students, faculty, and staff. We seek to foster positive relationships among all groups on campus. Our desire is for all students to experience the gift of interaction with those who come from different racial and ethnic backgrounds. We hope that these experiences will stretch students and propel them towards greater emotional and intellectual maturity, so that they can better live lives of character and service.