Off Campus Semester Programs
Students are encouraged to spend some time during their college career in an off-campus or cross cultural setting. Numerous opportunities are available within the US, Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, and Europe, through the Greenville College and Council for Christian Colleges & Universities. The Christian College Consortium affiliate institutions provide further options. Details about many programs are given below. In addition to the programs listed in the Catalog, students may also find programs of their own choosing. Programs or courses of study not listed in this section of the Catalog must be approved by the off-campus study committee before students will be allowed to gain credit and/or carry financial aid through Greenville College.
Students wishing to pursue off-campus study must complete the Off-Campus Study Intention Form, available from the World Outreach and Missions Office. Application forms are due by October 1 for students wishing to study off-campus at non-GC programs during Interterm or the spring semester. They are due by March 1 for students wishing to pursue any off campus study during the following fall semester. The committee will inform students applying for programs other than those listed in this section of the Catalog whether their intended off-campus coursework has been approved for GC or transfer credit. Federal and state aid can be carried to all programs listed in this section of the Catalog and other GC-approved off-campus programs. Greenville College aid may only be used for the Semester in Nicaragua.
Most of the off-campus study programs are available to juniors and seniors with a minimum GPA of 2.75. For further information regarding academic requirements, financial arrangements, and schedule planning, contact the World Outreach and Missions Office.
In the programs listed below students will remain enrolled through Greenville College. Costs for all off-campus programs will be the greater of Greenville College’s tuition, standard room, and board or the program’s tuition, room and board. Some programs require additional travel costs.
Students wishing to participate in an off-campus study program not listed below or not offered within either the CCC or CCCU partnerships may be charged a non-refundable $500 fee. This fee covers administrative costs associated with financial aid distribution, transcript course, and grade posting.
Individual courses within the off-campus study programs are subject to change. Please consult the program catalogs available for current course listings.
Grades for courses taken by Greenville College students in off-campus settings assigned by non-Greenville College instructors are recorded on the transcript but they do not affect the cumulative GPA. Transcripts contain a note describing the grading policy and name the location of off-campus study.