GNRL 298 Co-operative Education

A co-op is designed as a non-classroom career exploratory experience. The student is expected to evaluate the experience in light of course work, career plans or personal growth. A co-op is a paid work experience involving two supervisors, a work supervisor and academic supervisor. Registration must occur prior to the activity. Grading will be pass/fail. A standard of forty hours work experience is required for every credit awarded. Students must consult with their academic supervisor at least twice during the experience. Students submit mid-term and final reports to Career Services, participate in a debriefing session conducted by the Director of Career Services and the academic supervisor, and submit a learning experience summary paper. The employer also submits an evaluation. Specifics are outlined in the Career Service's Co-op Handbook. A maximum of twelve credits may be applied to the degree.Prerequisites: Sophomore standing, a 2.0 G.P.A. and departmental approval. (Offered every semester)
