2017-2018 Graduate Catalog

Briner School of Business Academic Standards

Graduate students have a responsibility to demonstrate the ability to complete graduate-level coursework. Accordingly, graduate students are expected to maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 in the MBA and MS programs. Students falling below a cumulative GPA of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation.

The Program Director will review cumulative GPAs of all students at the conclusion of each course. Students placed on probation will be informed in writing within approximately three weeks after the end of a course. Those placed on probation must show progress by earning a grade of B or higher in the next class in which they receive a grade, and must have at least a 3.0 GPA at the end of the second full probationary term in which they receive any grades. For example, a student placed on probation at the end of any summer course must earn a B in the next course taken and have a 3.0 GPA or higher by the end of the spring term. Students will be removed from probation when their cumulative GPA is at least 3.0. Those not achieving the minimum GPA will be dismissed. Note, too, that students cannot graduate while on academic probation (see “Degree Requirements” section above).