About the Catalog
This Catalog contains information about Greenville University that is current at the time it is printed. It is a guide for students who enter the College for the first time during the 2019-2020 academic year. It should help them in their planning across their years at Greenville University. Students should regularly consult the Catalog as they prepare to register for courses and as they choose and plan how they will complete their degree requirements.
The provisions and requirements stated in the Greenville University Catalog do not constitute a contract between the student and Greenville University. Programs occasionally change, courses are added or deleted from the curriculum, and policies are altered. Students who interrupt their education by a period of more than four years who then return to Greenville University normally must comply with the provisions and requirements in place upon their return. If professional licensor requirements change during the time students are absent from the University, they must meet the requirements in place upon their return, even if they have been absent for less than four years. The University Registrar will make every effort to match those courses already completed with new requirements. However, when equivalent courses are not found, students may be required to take additional coursework in order to complete a degree. A returning student may appeal to the Chief Academic Officer to explore alternatives to meet the current degree requirements. The University reserves the right to cancel any announced course, change the instructor, mode, or time it will be offered. The University reserves the right to change any provision or requirement at any time within the student's terms of residence. No such change, however, will be applied retroactively so as to extend the time normally required for completion of the student's program.
Using the Catalog
The Catalog is divided into two major sections. The first includes an introduction to Greenville College. This introduction details our purpose, educational and theological foundations, and other information helpful for anyone wanting to learn about our orientation to education.
The second section gives details on the graduate programs. The Master of Arts in Education Program provides a master of arts degree with several different areas of concentration for people who already have teaching certificates/licenses. In addition to the graduate degree programs, Greenville College also offers Continuing Education courses for teachers seeking reaccreditation. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Science with a major in Management programs are designed to help students identify and develop the skills necessary to manage contemporary organizations.