2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

College Level Examination Program

Students at Greenville University may earn credit for coursework by passing the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests. CLEP exams may be completed at any educational institution participating in the CLEP program. Students who take tests at other institutions should have their scores sent directly to Greenville University. A fee may apply for placing credit by examination onto a transcript. Credit earned by examination will be recorded on the transcript, but no grade is assigned. Therefore, credit earned by examination has no effect on the student’s grade point average.

Credits for CLEP tests are put onto the transcript the semester the exam was taken regardless of when the paperwork is submitted to the Records Office. If the rate for applying credits to the transcript increases between when the exam was taken and the paperwork is submitted, the higher fee will apply.

A student may not secure credit by examination after auditing or receiving a failing grade in the corresponding course. Subject examination credits may be applied to major requirements. Credit by examination does not count toward the residency requirements of the University. Credit earned by examination at another accredited college or university where the student was fully matriculated will be accepted for transfer to Greenville University on the same basis as other regularly earned credit. Thirty hours of credit by examination is the maximum allowed to count toward degree requirements.

History & Social Sciences
American Government 50 3 POLS 210
History of US I: Early Colonization to 1877 50 3 HIST 201
History of US II: 1865 to Present 50 3 HIST 201
Human Growth and Development 50 3 PSYC 212
Introduction to Educational Psychology 50 3 EDUC elective credit
Introductory Psychology 50 3 PSYC 101
Introductory Sociology 50 3 SOCI 101
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 3 ECON 202
Principles of Microeconomics 50 3 ECON 201
Social Sciences and History 50 3 HIST elective credit
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 50 3 HIST 101
Western Civilization II: 1648 to Present 50 3 HIST 101

Composition & Literature
American Literature (essay required) 50 3 ENGL 201
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 3 ENGL 201
College Composition 50 3 ENGL elective credit
College Composition Modular 50 3 ENGL 105
English Literature 50 3 ENGL 201
Humanities 50 3 HUMA 211

Science & Mathematics
Biology 50 4 BIOL 110
60 8 BIOL 110, BIOL 112
Calculus 50 4 MATH 115
Chemistry 50 4 CHEM 111
60 8 CHEM 111, CHEM 112
College Algebra 50 3 MATH 111
College Mathematics 50 3 MATH 105
Natural Sciences 50 4 BIOL 108
60 8 BIOL 108, PHYS 102
Precalculus 50 3 MATH 113

Financial Accounting 50 3 ACCT 101
Information Systems
50 3 CIST elective credit
Introductory Business Law 50 3 BUSN 222
Principles of Management 50 3 BUSN 101
Principles of Marketing 50 3 MRKT 201

World Languages
French Language Level 1 50 6 FREN 101, FREN 102
French Language Level 2 59 9 FREN 101, FREN 102, FREN 201
German Language Level 1 50 6 GER 101, GER 102
German Language Level 2 60 9 GRMN 101, GRMN 102, GRMN 201
Spanish Language Level 1 50 6 SPAN 101, SPAN 102
Spanish Language Level 2 63 9 SPAN 101, SPAN 102, SPAN 201