2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

Alternative Grades

Audits: Audited courses appear on the transcript with a grade of AU (Audit). Students who audit courses receive no college credit and grades for audited courses do not affect the student’s GPA.

Incompletes: A student may request or faculty may assign grades of “I” when work for a course is incomplete at the end of the term and the cause of the delay was out of the student’s control (i.e. illness, accident, family emergency, etc.). The awarding of an I is not given for simple negligence or inability to complete the work on time. Incompletes may only be given when the instructor and the student have arrived at a plan for work to be completed. An Incomplete Grade Form, a written plan for completion of all work, must be submitted to the Records Office at the end of the term. The grade may be changed to any other grade by the end of the following semester or term (e.g., spring incompletes are due at the end of summer). Unless the instructor submits another grade based on previously submitted coursework, a grade of F will automatically be assigned. The registrar must approve extensions beyond the close of the following term. Extensions beyond a second semester require documentation of extenuating circumstances which maybe include a letter from a doctor or an obituary. Students with an incomplete grade at the end of a semester are ineligible to be recognized on the Dean’s List.

Pass/Fail Courses: Some courses such as student teaching or other practica are graded on a pass/fail basis. Students may also elect to take other courses on a pass/fail basis. This option may be used in only one course per year, and the course may not be a general education requirement or part of the student's major. To take a course on this basis, a form must be filled out in the Records Office during the first two weeks of the semester.

A passing grade is indicated by the letter S (for satisfactory), and may be assigned when academic work was at least at the C- level. A failing grade is indicated by the letter U (for unsatisfactory) and indicates work at the F or D level. All courses recorded with S grades count toward graduation; courses with U grades do not. In either case, the credits do not affect the GPA.

Withdrawals: Students withdrawing from a course receive a grade of W regardless of the quality of their work.