2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

Instructor-Initiated Drops or Withdrawals

Students who have never attended, who cease to attend, or who do not submit required work in an enrolled course may be dropped or withdrawn upon recommendation of the instructor through the first eight weeks of the semester. This policy is designed to help remind students of their academic commitments.

The recommendation must be made in writing to the registrar when the instructor seriously questions the student's intent to pursue the course, or when disorderly conduct on the part of the student negatively affects the student, others, or the instructional environment. The registrar has the responsibility to approve or to deny instructor-initiated requests for drops or withdrawals. If the registrar approves such a request, the student will be notified of such action in writing.

If the instructor acts within the time allowed for drops the request would be treated as a request to drop a course. Dropped courses are deleted from the student’s schedule, will not appear on the transcript, and the student’s course load for that semester will be reduced by the appropriate number of credits.

If the instructor acts after the drop date, the request would be treated as a withdrawal. Instructor-initiated withdrawals after the eighth week of a semester require a special petition on the part of the instructor. If the student is withdrawn from the course, a grade of W will be listed on the transcript. For more details on drops and withdrawals, see the appropriate sections above.

Students may appeal any instructor-initiated drop or withdrawal. Appeals for reinstatement into a class must be submitted in writing to the dean of the appropriate school within one week after the notification to drop or withdraw was sent to the student.