2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

Tuition Charges

Fall and Spring Semesters

Tuition charges in the fall and spring semesters are dependent on the number of credit hours for which students are registered. Most students take a standard load ranging from 12 to 17 credit hours per semester. Students taking the standard load are said to be within-the-band. The within-the-band tuition is $27,580 for the 2019-2020 academic year or $13,790 for each semester. Students taking more than 17 credit hours in a single semester pay the within-the-band semester tuition of $13,790 plus an additional $434 per credit hour for any credits exceeding 17.

Students taking less than 12 credit hours (0.5 to 11.5 credits) will be charged $434 per credit.  Please see the Fees and Miscellaneous Costs for a summary of this information.


Tuition for all coursework taken during Interterm is $299 per credit.

Summer Term

Tuition for scheduled Summer 2020 courses, independent studies, online courses, internships, or practica is $399 per credit hour.