Carrie J. Ackerman (2017)
Assistant Professor of Social Work; B.A., Greenville College; M.S.W., Saint Louis University
Paul L. Alvord
Assistant Professor of Education; B.S., University of Missouri-Saint Louis; M.A., University of Missouri-Saint Louis; Ed.D., Maryville Univerity
Jacob P. Amundson (2007)
Associate Professor Art and Digital Media; B.A., Greenville College; M.A., Webster University; M.F.A., Azusa Pacific University
Lisa J. Amundson (2010)
Dean of the School of Education and Associate Professor in Education; B.S., Greenville College; M.A.E., University of Missouri, Saint Louis; Ph.D., University of Missouri, Saint Louis
David L. Anderson (2017)
Associate Professor of Business Management; B.S.S., Wheaton College; M.S., Northwestern University; M.B.A., University of MIchigan-Ann Arbor; J.D., George Washington University; Ed.D., Harvard University
Courtney Bailey Parker (2016)
Assistant Professor of English; B.A., Mercer University; M.A., Baylor University; Ph.D., Baylor University
George D. Barber (1999)
Professor of Sport and Kinesiology and Head Men’s Basketball Coach; B.A., Asbury College; M.A., University of Kentucky; Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Richard O. Beans (1987)
Associate Professor of Psychology; B.A., Greenville College; M.A., Eastern Illinois University, Ph.D., Kansas State University
Jane F. Bell (2014)
Assistant Professor of Business Management; B.S., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; M.S., Ohio University
Matthew Bernico (2016)
Assistant Professor of Media Communication, Director of UNIV 401; B.A., Greenville College; M.A., University of Illinois-Springfield; Ph.D., The European Graduate School
John T. Brittingham (2014)
Instructor of Philosophy and Director of the McAllaster Scholars Honors Program; B.A., Greenville College; M.A., Boston College; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Lynn A. Carlson (1997)
Instructor in Sport and Kinesiology and Head Baseball Coach; B.A., Greenville College; M.S., University of Kentucky
Hyung S. Choi (2013)
Professor in Physics; B.S., Kyung Hee University; M.A., Seoul National University; M.A., Graduate Center of CUNY; M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Graduate Center of CUNY
K. Deloy Cole (1999)
Department Chair and Assistant Professor of Digital Media ; B.S., Greenville College; M.S.CMIS, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Stephen R. Cook (2017)
Instructor of Music and Studio Manager; B.S., Oral Roberts University; M.M., Bath Spa University
Daryl G. Cox (1981-1998, 2013)
Department Chair and Professor of Chemistry; B.A., Greenville College; Ph.D., University of Iowa
Keeli Deadmond (2018)
Instructor of Accounting; B.S., Greenville College; M.B.A., Anderson University
Eugene A. Dunkley, Jr. (2001)
Associate Professor of Biology and Dean of Diversity; B.S., Fordham University; M.Phil, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine; M.A., Greenville College; D.Phil, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Gary Erickson (2007)
Associate Professor of Music; B.S., Mankato State University, M.M., Mankato State University; M.F.A., Minnesota State University Mankato.
Douglas C. Faulkner (1990)
Dean of the School of Professional Studies, Professor of Sport and Kinesiology; B.A., Greenville College; M.Div., Bethel College; M.S.Ed., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Ph.D., Saint Louis University
William Z. Fairbanks III
Instructor of Music and Director of the Bands; B.M.Ed., West Texas State University; M.Div., Boston University; M.M., Stephen F. Austin State University; D.M.A., Boston University
Hannah Fishburn (2013-2014, 2015)
Instructor in the Center for Teaching and Learning; B.S. Greenville College; M.A., Webster Univeristy
Lori A. Gaffner (1993)
Dean of Chapel, Director of Spiritual Formation, and Assistant Professor of Theology; B.A., Greenville College; B.S., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; M.S., Eastern Illinois University; M.A., Northwest Nazarene University
Gail A. Heideman (2011)
Dean of the Ruby E. Dare Library; B.A., Trinity International University; M.A., Trinity International University; M.L.I.S., University of Illinois
Dave Holden (1995)
Dean of Graduate Studies and Assistant Professor in Education; B.S., University of Southern California; M.A., University of Southern California; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
Teresa B. Holden (2004)
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Director of General Education, and Associate Professor of History and Political Science; B.A., Asbury College; M.A., University of Notre Dame; Ph.D., Saint Louis University
Richard P. Huston (1994)
Department Chair and Professor of History and Political Science; B.A., Greenville College; M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Vlad E. Ivashyn (2017)
Assistant Professor of Physics and Engineering; Ph.D., University of Limerick
D. Nathan Jenkins (2018)
Assistant Professor of Business Management; B.S., University of Illinois-Chicago; M.A., Southern Illinois University; M.B.A., Saint Xavier University; J.D., Southern Illinois University
Mark Jenner (2016)
Assistant Professor of Business Management; B.S., University of Missouri-Columbia; M.S., University of Missouri-Columbia; M.S., University of Missouri-Columbia; Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia
Karlene E. Johnson (2001)
Associate Professor of Math/Science Education; B.A., Greenville College; M.A.E., Greenville University; M.S., Curtin University of Technology; Ph.D., Curtin University of Technology.
Bwarenaba Kautu (2013)
Assistant Professor in Biology; B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.S., University of Alabama; Ph.D., University of Alabama
Alexandria LaFaye (2011)
Associate Professor of English; B.A., University of Minnesota; MA., Minnesota State University at Mankato; M.A., Hollins University; M.F.A., University of Memphis
Mark Lamb (2011)
Associate Professor of Education; B.S., Northeast Missouri State University; M.S., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Ed.D., Maryville University
Michael J. Laughlin (2017)
Department Chair and Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice; B.A., Greenville College; M.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis; M.P.A., University of Missouri-Columbia
Larissa A. Malone (2016)
Assistant Professor of Education and Director of Clinical Practice; B.A., Case Western Reserve University; M.A., Walsh University; Ph.D., Kent State University
Lindsey Mao (2019)
Instructor of Biology; M.S., University of Chicago; B.S., Carnegie Mellon University; M.S., University of Chicago; Ph.D., University of Chicago
Gregory J. Marcello (2017)
Assistant Professor of Biology; B.A. and B.S., Edinboro University; M.S., Miami University; Ph.D., Miami University
Zachary P. Marshall (2017)
Instructor of English; B.A., University of Northwestern; M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
Danara Moore (2011)
Assistant Professor of Music Business; B.A., Taylor University; M.A., New York University
Roy S. Mulholland (1999)
Department Chair and Assistant Professor of Sport and Kinesiology and Head Women’s Basketball Coach; B.S., Greenville College; M.A., United States Sports Academy, Alabama
Mauricio Nava (2014)
Associate Professor of Spanish; B.A., Concordia College, M.A., Minnesota State University, Ed.D., Bethel University
Andrea N. Nord (2014)
Assistant Professor in Biology; B.A., Goshen College; M.S., Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State Univeristy
Eric A. Nord (2014)
Department Chair and Assistant Professor in Biology; B.A., Goshen College; M.S., Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State Univeristy
Scott Pattenaude (2019)
Assistant Professor of Chemistry; B.S., University of Illinois-Champaign; Ph.D., Purdue University
R. Brian Patton (1998)
Head Track and Cross Country Coach and Instructor in Sports and Kinesiology; B.A., Greenville College, M.A.E., Greenville University
George R. Peters (2003)
Department Chair and Professor of Mathematics; B.A., Greenville College, M.S., Iowa State University; Ph.D., Iowa State University
Miriam A. Porter (2016)
Instructor of Music; B.A., Northeastern State University; M.M., University of Miami
David Probst (2019)
Department Chair and Professor of Engineering; B.A., Thomas Moore College; B.S., University of Dayton; M.S., Tulane University; Ph.D., Tulane University
Brian K. Reinhard (2000)
Department Chair and Professor of Modern Languages; B.S., Greenville College; M.A., Saint Louis University; Ph.D., Saint Louis University
Laura H. Schaub (2017)
Assistant Professor of Education; B.S., Millikin University; M.S., Concordia University
Hannah E. Shanks (2017)
Assistant Professor of Social Work and Director of the Social Work Program; B.A., Greenville College; M.S.W., Saint Louis University
Paul B. Sunderland (2012)
Assistant Professor of Music: B.A., University of Akron; M.A., University of Akron; D.W.S., The Institute of Worship Studies
Aubrey Taylor McClain (2017)
Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology and Shapiro Fellow; B.A., Oklahoma State University; M.A., Jerusalem University College
Kathryn R. Taylor (1998)
Professor of Education and Dean of Instruction; B.S., Greenville College; M.A.E., Greenville University, M.S., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Andrew Thomack (2018)
Instructor of Mathematics; B.A., Greenville College; M.S., Florida State University; Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University
Mark Thomas (2011)
Assistant Professor in Organizational Leadership; B.A., Davidson College; ; M.S. Capella University; M.Div., Union Theological Seminary; D.Min., McCormick Theological Seminary
Vanda L. Underwood (2006)
Associate Professor of Education; B.A., Greenville College; B.S., Greenville College; M.S., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, M.A., Greenville College; Ed.D., Lindenwood University
Eric S. Watterson (2010)
Department Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology and Dean of Assessment and Institutional Research; B.A., Greenville College; M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary; M.S., University of Kentucky, Lexington; M.S., Saint Louis University; Ph.D., Saint Louis University
Benjamin D. Wayman (2013)
Associate Professor in Theology, Philosophy, and Ministry and Andrews Chair of Christian Unity; B.A., Greenville College; M.Div., Duke University; Ph.D., Saint Louis University
Louise A. Weiss (1995)
Department Chair and Associate Professor of Music; B.M.E., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; M.M.E., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Jeffrey S. Wilson (1996)
Professor of Music; B.Mu.., Augustana College at Rock Island, IL; M.M., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; D.M.A., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Joshua Zink (2017)
Assistant Librarian for the Ruby E. Dare Library; B.S., Greenville College; M.L.I.S., Kent State University
Dongxue Zhao (2015)
Assistant Professor of Physics; B.S., University of Shanghai, M.S., University of Missouri-Saint Louis, Ph.D., Missouri University of Science and Technology