2020-2021 Graduate Catalog
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog
> EDUC - Education
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EDUC - Education
EDUC 500
Graduate Education Orientation
EDUC 501
Issues in Education
EDUC 502
Foundations of Special Education
EDUC 504
Theoretical Foundations of Literacy
EDUC 505
Early Professional Experience
EDUC 507
Trends and Issues in Literacy
EDUC 508
Emergent/Primary Literacy
EDUC 509
Intermediate Literacy
EDUC 510
Second Literacy-Content Area Read
EDUC 511
Special Education Methods/Materials
Spec Ed (Birth-8 yrs) Methods/Mater
EDUC 513
Special Education Research/Practice
EDUC 514
Characterstics of Disabilities
EDUC 516
Teaching Elementary Reading
EDUC 517
Special Education: Law to Practice
EDUC 518
Assessment of Exceptional Children
Early Child Special Educ Assessment
EDUC 520
Elementary Corrective Reading
EDUC 521
Diagnostic Assessment
EDUC 522
Teaching Elementary Art and Music
EDUC 523
Diagnostic Assessment & Instruction
EDUC 524
Teaching Elementary Social Studies
EDUC 525
Teaching Elementary Language Arts
EDUC 526
Programing for Special Education
EDUC 527
Adaptive Strategies Special Educ
EDUC 528
Assess & Advancement in Literacy
EDUC 529
Early Literacy Skills Instruction
EDUC 530
Behavior Management Special Educ
EDUC 531
Comprehension Skill Instruction
EDUC 532
Graduate Studies in Education
EDUC 533
Literacy Instruction Assessment
EDUC 534
Middle Grades Social Science Method
EDUC 535
Literacy Intervention Strategies
EDUC 537
Literacy Practicum
EDUC 538
Special Education
EDUC 539
Adolescent Growth and Development
EDUC 540
Students with Exceptionalities
EDUC 541
Middle Grades English Lang Arts Met
EDUC 542
Diversity & Schools
EDUC 543
Managing Learning Technologies
EDUC 544
Technology & Teaching
EDUC 545
Middle Grades Science Methods
EDUC 546
Student Teaching-Elementary
Elementary Special Education Student Teaching
EDUC 548
The Learning Environment
EDUC 550
Educational Measurement and Evaluation
EDUC 551
Managing Change in Education
EDUC 552
Teaching Middle/Secondary Students
EDUC 553
Literacy for Today's Society
EDUC 555
Teaching Elementary Mathematics
EDUC 556
Middle/Secondary School Curriculum
EDUC 557
Teaching Elementar Science
EDUC 558
Reading/Writing in Content Area
EDUC 560
Secondary Student Teaching
Secondary Special Education Student Teaching
EDUC 561
Assessment for Learning
EDUC 562
Education Psychology Application
EDUC 563
Disciplined Inquiry in Education
EDUC 564
Teacher Leadership & School Improvement
EDUC 565
Instruct Methods/Program Evaluate
EDUC 566
Trends and Issues in Education
EDUC 568
Curricular Design
EDUC 569
Strategies: Child/Adolescent Lit
EDUC 571
Educational Research
EDUC 572
Middle School Mathematics Methods
EDUC 573
Special Education Research
EDUC 574
Equity in School and Society
EDUC 575
Practicum I: Primary/Intermediate
EDUC 576
Action Research
EDUC 577
Practicum II: Middle/Secondary
EDUC 579
Literacy Specialist
EDUC 580
Capstone Research
EDUC 581
Clinical Practice Elementary
EDUC 582
Student Teaching Seminar
EDUC 583
Capstone Project
EDUC 585
Continuation Class
EDUC 590
Thesis/Reflective Study
EDUC 591
Comprehensive Overview Special Educ
EDUC 595
Special Education Practicum
EDUC 599
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