2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog


Carrie J. Ackerman (2017)

Assistant Professor of Social Work; B.A., Greenville College; M.S.W., Saint Louis University

Paul L. Alvord (2018)

Department Chair and Assistant Professor of Education; B.S., University of Missouri-Saint Louis; M.A., University of Missouri-Saint Louis; Ed.D., Maryville University

Jacob P. Amundson (2007)

Associate Professor Art and Digital Media; B.A., Greenville College; M.A., Webster University; M.F.A., Azusa Pacific University


George D. Barber (1999)

Professor of Sport and Kinesiology and Head Men’s Basketball Coach; B.A., Asbury College; M.A., University of Kentucky; Ph.D., University of Kentucky


Marty G. Beans

Instructor of General Education; B.S., Greenville College


Richard O. Beans (1987)

Associate Professor of Psychology; B.A., Greenville College; M.A., Eastern Illinois University, Ph.D., Kansas State University


Jane F. Bell (2014)

Assistant Professor of Business Management; B.S., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; M.S., Ohio University


Lynn A. Carlson (1997)

Instructor in Sport and Kinesiology and Head Baseball Coach; B.A., Greenville College; M.S., University of Kentucky


Hyung S. Choi (2013)

Professor in Physics; B.S., Kyung Hee University; M.A., Seoul National University; M.A., Graduate Center of CUNY; M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Graduate Center of CUNY


K. Deloy Cole (1999)

Department Chair and Assistant Professor of Digital Media ; B.S., Greenville College; M.S.CMIS, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville


Ryan E. Coleman (2020)

Instructor of Music


Grace J. Denton (2020)

Instructor of Music


Eugene A. Dunkley, Jr. (2001)

Associate Professor of Biology and Dean of Diversity; B.S., Fordham University; M.Phil, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine; M.A., Greenville College; D.Phil, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine


Gary Erickson (2007)

Associate Professor of Music; B.S., Mankato State University, M.M., Mankato State University; M.F.A., Minnesota State University Mankato.


Douglas C. Faulkner (1990)

Professor of Sport and Kinesiology; B.A., Greenville College; M.Div., Bethel College; M.S.Ed., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Ph.D., Saint Louis University


Lori A. Gaffner (1993)

Dean of Chapel, Director of Spiritual Formation, and Assistant Professor of Theology; B.A., Greenville College; B.S., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; M.S., Eastern Illinois University; M.A., Northwest Nazarene University


Isaac Gilmore (2020)

Assistant Professor of Digital Media; B.A., Taylor University


Gail A. Heideman (2011)

Dean of the Ruby E. Dare Library; B.A., Trinity International University; M.A., Trinity International University; M.L.I.S., University of Illinois


Dave Holden (1995)

Dean of Graduate Studies and Assistant Professor in Education; B.S., University of Southern California; M.A., University of Southern California; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University


Teresa B. Holden (2004)

Dean of General Education and Associate Professor of History and Political Science; B.A., Asbury College; M.A., University of Notre Dame; Ph.D., Saint Louis University


Richard P. Huston (1994)

Department Chair and Professor of History and Political Science; B.A., Greenville College; M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles


Vlad E. Ivashyn (2017)

Assistant Professor of Physics and Engineering; Ph.D., University of Limerick


D. Nathan Jenkins (2018)

Assistant Professor of Business Management; B.S., University of Illinois-Chicago; M.A., Southern Illinois University; M.B.A., Saint Xavier University; J.D., Southern Illinois University


Mark Jenner (2016)

Assistant Professor of Business Management; B.S., University of Missouri-Columbia; M.S., University of Missouri-Columbia; M.S., University of Missouri-Columbia; Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia


Heather Johnson (2020)

Assistant Professor of Education


Karlene E. Johnson (2001)

Associate Professor of Math/Science Education; B.A., Greenville College; M.A.E., Greenville University; M.S., Curtin University of Technology; Ph.D., Curtin University of Technology.


Alexandria LaFaye (2011)

Associate Professor of English; B.A., University of Minnesota; MA., Minnesota State University at Mankato; M.A., Hollins University; M.F.A., University of Memphis


Mark Lamb (2011)

Associate Professor of Education; B.S., Northeast Missouri State University; M.S., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Ed.D., Maryville University


Michael J. Laughlin (2017)

Department Chair and Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice; B.A., Greenville College; M.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis; M.P.A., University of Missouri-Columbia


Gregory J. Marcello (2017)

Assistant Professor of Biology; B.A. and B.S., Edinboro University; M.S., Miami University; Ph.D., Miami University


Zachary P. Marshall (2017)

Assistant Professor of English; B.A., University of Northwestern; M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison


Aubrey T. McClain (2017)

Shapiro Fellow of Jewish-Christian Studies and Assistant Professor of Theology; B.A., Oklahoma State University; M.A., Jerusalem University College


Danara Moore (2011)

Assistant Professor of Business; B.A., Taylor University; M.A., New York University


Roy S. Mulholland (1999)

Department Chair and Assistant Professor of Sport and Kinesiology and Head Women’s Basketball Coach; B.S., Greenville College; M.A., United States Sports Academy, Alabama


Mauricio Nava (2014)

Associate Professor of Spanish; B.A., Concordia College, M.A., Minnesota State University, Ed.D., Bethel University


Andrea N. Nord (2014)

Associate Professor in Biology; B.A., Goshen College; M.S., Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University


Eric A. Nord (2014)

Department Chair and Associate Professor in Biology; B.A., Goshen College; M.S., Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University


Helo Oidjarv (2020)

Associate Professor of Social Work


Scott Pattenaude (2019)

Assistant Professor of Chemistry; B.S., University of Illinois-Champaign; Ph.D., Purdue University


R. Brian Patton (1998)

Head Track and Cross Country Coach and Instructor in Sports and Kinesiology; B.A., Greenville College, M.A.E., Greenville University


George R. Peters (2003)

Department Chair and Professor of Mathematics; B.A., Greenville College, M.S., Iowa State University; Ph.D., Iowa State University


David Probst (2019)

Department Chair and Professor of Engineering; B.A., Thomas Moore College; B.S., University of Dayton; M.S., Tulane University; Ph.D., Tulane University


Brian K. Reinhard (2000)

Department Chair and Professor of Modern Languages; B.S., Greenville College; M.A., Saint Louis University; Ph.D., Saint Louis University


Laura H. Schaub (2017)

Assistant Professor of Education; B.S., Millikin University; M.S., Concordia University


Keeli Snow (2018)

Instructor of Accounting; B.S., Greenville College; M.B.A., Anderson University


Paul B. Sunderland (2012)

Department Chair and Assistant Professor of Music: B.A., University of Akron; M.A., University of Akron; D.W.S., The Institute of Worship Studies


Kathryn R. Taylor (1998)

Professor of Education and Dean of Instruction; B.S., Greenville College; M.A.E., Greenville University, M.S., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale


Andrew Thomack (2018)

Assistant Professor of Mathematics; B.A., Greenville College; M.S., Florida State University; Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University


Mark Thomas (2011)

Assistant Professor in Organizational Leadership; B.A., Davidson College; ; M.S. Capella University; M.Div., Union Theological Seminary; D.Min., McCormick Theological Seminary


Eric S. Watterson (2010)

Department Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology and Dean of Assessment and Institutional Research; B.A., Greenville College; M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary; M.S., University of Kentucky, Lexington; M.S., Saint Louis University; Ph.D., Saint Louis University


Benjamin D. Wayman (2013)

Associate Professor in Theology, Philosophy, and Ministry and Andrews Chair of Christian Unity; B.A., Greenville College; M.Div., Duke University; Ph.D., Saint Louis University 

Dongxue Zhao (2015)

Assistant Professor of Physics; B.S., University of Shanghai, M.S., University of Missouri-Saint Louis, Ph.D., Missouri University of Science and Technology