2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog

Grievance Policy

Student Grievance Procedure & Academic Petitions/Appeals Policy

Students who find it necessary to:


a) request an exception to an academic policy,

b) appeal a grade awarded by the program or

c) express a grievance on any other matter


should submit a written statement to the program director.


Warren Pettit, Director

CMC, 559 Church Street East, Brentwood, TN 37027



In the case when the director is the instructor of record for the disputed course, the appeal will go

directly to the CCCU vice president of student programs.


Leah Mullen, CCCU VP of Student Programs

CCCU, 321 8th Street, NE | Washington, DC 20002



This statement should clearly state the rationale for the appeal, including any supporting documentation and original copies of all graded work included in the appeal. The director’s

decision will be considered final, unless the student chooses to request a formal review of the

appeal to the CCCU’s vice president of student programs. The student must request this second review in writing and provide all relevant documentation. After reviewing the appeal, the vice

president of student programs will determine whether the academic decision should be reversed,

modified or upheld. The vice president’s decision will be final. All decisions will be communicated to the student in writing.


For grievances not settled at the institutional level, appeal may be made to the Postsecondary

staff of the Commission for Grievances at the Tennessee Higher Education Commission.


Tennessee Higher Education Commission

404 James Robertson Parkway Suite 1900 Nashville, TN 37243

(615) 741-3605


In addition, each student acknowledges that:

"I realize that any grievances not resolved on the institutional level may be forwarded to the

Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Nashville, TN 37243-0830, (615) 741-5293."