2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog

PHED 103 Health and Wellnes

The United States is in a health crisis. Around two in three adults are considered overweight or obese, the leading cause of death is from cardiovascular disease, and the high cost of healthcare can put a hole in anyone’s pocket. Now, more than ever, we have a greater awareness that living a heathy, fit lifestyle can help us overcome this. Why then, as a nation, do we remain in this crisis? In this course, you will discover the behaviors that can improve or degrade your health, learn the strategies you can use to help yourself and others take positive actions to improve and maintain a healthier body, and explore the processes by which your body functions in order to maintain optimum health. Additionally, you will learn the different exercise modalities used to improve fitness levels and alternative therapies people seek out in their quest for better health. Using the information and techniques from this course, you will be able to apply it to your daily life and influence those around you in positive ways.




Meets the general education physical health and wellness requirement.