2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

CRJS 245 Human Trafficking/Trauma Informed

This course will take a deep dive into the issue of human trafficking, the landscape of the issue in our world today, a deeper understanding of what it is, and how it impacts our families, communities, nation and world.  Students will learn from both a biblical, clinical and law enforcement perspective about the reality of this issue, how to prevent trafficking and how to work directly with survivors and communities to bring about societal change for justice.  Students will learn how we are called as Christians to engage in issues that feed into the problem, vulnerabilities like poverty, racism, addiction, broken homes and more.  Students will learn about strategies used from law enforcement to identify and circumvent networks of traffickers using network analysis.  Students will complete in class activities to reinforce the lecture and examples of how social network analysis is used against various illicit networks. Students will read material and hear directly from survivors of trafficking and from those working in the field and write short reflection papers on what they have learned.



Cross Listed Courses

SCWK 245