2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

School of Education Fees

Course Cancellation Policy

Students who drop or withdraw from classes that have a required field experience on or after the first day of class will be assessed a $100 Field Experience Drop fee. Students wishing to drop a course before the deadline must notify the School of Education in writing by emailing barb.tackett@greenville.edu; by faxing a letter to 618-664-6884 or 618-664-1385; or by sending a letter to School of Education at 315 E. College Ave. Greenville, IL 62246. Letters must be received by 4:30 the day before a course begins.

Professional Internship Cancellation Policy

Applications for the Professional Internship (Student Teaching) must be received by December 15th for the following academic year. If a student rescinds their application necessitating the cancellation of a student teaching placement, the following fees will apply according to the date of withdraw.

Cancellation by:
February 1st No Fee
March 31st $250
After April 1st $600

The cancellation fee may be waived for emergency situations that will be decided on a case by case basis by petition to the Director of Clinical Practice.

Summary of Costs 2023-2024
Tuition (per credit hour)1 $488
Graduation Fee $149
Course Cancellation Fee (for courses with a field experience component) $100
Professional Internship Cancellation Policy (fee depends on date) $250 or $600

1A one credit hour charge will be assessed if continuing advisement is required after the designated due date for the Master of Arts in Education thesis/project.