Academic Advising
Academic advising is a critically important component of the student’s education. For that reason, all students at Greenville University are assigned an advisor. Students should make it a priority to meet regularly with this person. Advisors can help students make the adjustment to college life, select a major and courses, and establish goals. They also provide guidance about requirements for attaining professional positions or admittance into graduate school.
First time freshmen who have officially declared a major will be assigned an advisor within that major area during their first semester. If students are undecided about a major, they will be advised by the Advising Center.
Transfer students will be assigned advisors in their chosen major. When transfer students come to GU undecided about their majors, they will be assigned an advisor who specializes in helping students think through appropriate majors.
Advisors play a key role in the registration process. They help students select appropriate courses within a major and within the general education curriculum. They also advise students when students desire to add, drop or withdraw from one or more courses, take independent studies, or change majors. Students cannot schedule courses or make schedule changes without the signature or online approval of their advisor.
Though advisors play a key role in helping students make good academic choices, the student is ultimately responsible for his or her own progress toward a degree. Students must take steps to ensure that they have prepared for each advising session. They must be aware of the graduation requirements for their chosen major and degree and must monitor their progress towards that degree.
To prepare for advising sessions, students should read this catalog carefully. They should pay attention to the general education requirements and the requirements in their chosen major. They should read course descriptions and, using the catalog and the Course Listings published online by the Records Office, prepare a tentative class schedule. This advising “homework” will help students get the most out of advising sessions and ensure that they make appropriate progress toward their college degree.
This catalog is a very important tool for students. It should serve as the first source when students have questions about courses, majors, or graduation requirements. Students may also find helpful information about majors in departmental guides or handbooks. For example, students choosing majors in education should consult the Teacher Education Guide. Those in music related majors will find important information in the Music Department Policies and Procedures Handbook. If the departmental guides or handbooks and the catalog disagree, students and advisors should seek clarification about the official requirements from the registrar.