4.5 : Sexuality Policy

As a university founded on Christian beliefs and affiliated with the Free Methodist Church USA, we embrace the Bible as the authority for our faith. As such, let it be understood that we embrace the Bible as the authoritative rule with respect to sexuality and sexual intimacy.


The Book of Discipline of the Free Methodist Church—U.S.A. (2019) states, “Sexual intimacy is a gift from God for marital union. As such it creates a bond that scripture describes as one flesh (Genesis 2:24; 1 Corinthians 6:16). When expressed within marriage, sexual intimacy is a great blessing and source of fulfillment. The sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman is to be protected against all manner of immoral conduct (Exodus 22:16-17; Deuteronomy 22:23- 28; Leviticus 20:10-16). Pre-marital intimacy robs the marital union of the exclusive bond that sexual intimacy is given to create. Fornication is listed along with other forms of immorality (Galatians 5:19-21). Extra-marital intimacy, which Scripture describes as adultery, transgresses the moral law and betrays the marriage bond. Adultery is a degrading and destructive force. It undermines trust and contaminates the exclusive bond of marriage (Exodus 20:14). Post-marital intimacy which occurs after divorce, or the loss of a spouse debases the biblical design of sexual intimacy (1 Corinthians 7:8-9). All persons are accountable to God for their thoughts, words and deeds (Romans 14:12; 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10). For those who have fallen, the grace of God is available and completely adequate to forgive and deliver (1 John 1:9; Hebrews 7:25; Luke 4:18; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Because the sexual desire is so powerful, counseling is recommended.” (P 3215) 


Greenville University is a community rooted in the Wesleyan Holiness tradition, affiliated with the Free Methodist denomination, which places a high value on honest and open inquiry. As an explicitly Christian environment, it is committed to the belief that all truth is God’s truth, and therefore it fosters open inquiry and the investigation into all of God’s creation with freedom and joy. The controversy over homosexuality and other issues related to sex and gender continues to be a contentious one in civil society and within Christian churches and denominations. Greenville University does not attempt to hide from this controversy, but rather encourages healthy and informed dialogue. As the Book of Discipline of the Free Methodist Church—U.S.A. (2019) states, “We are therefore pledged to active concern whenever human beings are demeaned, abused, depersonalized, enslaved or subjected to demonic forces in the world, whether by individuals or institutions (Galatians 3:28; Mark 2:27; 1 Timothy 1:8- 10). We are committed to give meaning and significance to every person by God’s help. Remembering our tendency to be prejudicial, as Christians we must grow in awareness of the rights and needs of others.” (P 3221)


In light of these commitments, Greenville University maintains the following:


1.    All people are created in God’s image. We are God’s children and are of intrinsic worth and therefore deserve respect in all civil society, and the understanding, love and compassion of all Christians.

2.    We will not tolerate derogatory remarks, slurs or acts of violence directed against individuals who identify themselves as LGTBQIA+.

3.    While upholding and defending biblical standards and Christian teaching on the matter, we will insist on courteous, civil and respectful dialogue concerning LGTBQIA+ matters.

4.     In keeping with Scripture and Christian teaching, marriage is understood to be between one man and one woman. Homosexual intimacy is incompatible with our interpretation and understanding of Scripture. Thus, we do not condone same-sex romantic relationships or recognize same-sex marriages.

5.    We believe God created male and female, with the distinction between the two complementary sexes together reflecting the image of God; we therefore believe that God disapproves a rejection of one’s biological sex, or any attempts to change the appearance of one’s sex by any means.


Greenville University pledges to guide the educational community toward discussing, understanding, and embracing these statements. We commit to helping students thrive and find freedom in Christ within these broader theological and pedagogical parameters based on our interpretation of Scripture and rooted in the Wesleyan tradition