2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

PHIL 130 Ethics

“Don’t judge me!” “That is just wrong!” “To each their own.” “That’s just how I am.” “What kind of person would do that?” 

These are just of few of the reactions we hear or read on social media every day as we evaluate the decisions and actions of others. How do people decide what is the right thing to do, and how should we evaluate ethical and moral actions? 

Ethics may not be able to tell us the answer to all of life’s questions, but it does help us see the moral landscape of our world more clearly. In this course, you’ll explore the five key ethical lenses to help you understand how people view crucial issues such as rules, consequences, character, and relationships. You’ll learn how to identify common logical errors, assess moral issues that arise in your everyday life and work, and understand why others make the choices they do even if you don’t agree with them. 




Meets the general education humanities-philosophy requirement.