2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog


Associate Professors—Eugene A. Dunkley, Andrea Nord, Eric Nord (Department Chair)

Assistant Professor—Gregg Marcello

The Biology Major prepares students for careers in the areas of health professions and biological research. Biology is a growing field with new breakthroughs in genomics, medicine, molecular biology, and biotechnology. Our faculty are committed to facilitate the advance of our students to the highest levels of knowledge and technical skills so that they may make a significant contribution in their chosen field, and to honor the Creator in their vocations.

Our Biology Major demands comprehensive exposure to the entire field yet allows the flexibility to emphasize each student’s particular interest and career goals – it is designed to be a springboard. Recent graduates have gone on to graduate studies in botany, molecular genetics and other fields of biology. Others have entered competitive professional school programs in medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, and veterinary medicine.

Our faculty are committed to providing an academic learning environment that allows students to thrive and grow into highly competent professionals. Course work is rigorous; there are no abbreviated courses simply to meet minimum professional-school requirements. Our faculty take a personal interest in all our students, both in and out of the classroom, and we work with each student to develop their career plans. In fact, over the past 10 years, 85 - 90% of our students who applied to medical school were admitted. Our summer research program provides paid summer research internships for students to work with faculty on various types of biological research. Recent projects have included understanding plant invasions, quantifying the extent of plant root systems, and exploring the effects of drugs on neural function in nematode worms.

In the Biology department, our students are encouraged to explore the ethical and moral implications of biological science, and are challenged to respond to these issues in a thoughtful and Christ-like manner.

The Sciences at Greenville University offer "big school" opportunities in an intimate environment. Over 70% of all recent science graduates attend graduate school or have gained employment related to their major in the first year.