4.13.1 : Policy
We recognize each professor’s prerogative and imperative to establish clear and reasonable requirements for his/her classes, including an attendance policy. These requirements, committed to writing and distributed to students at the beginning of the semester, should stipulate appropriate penalties (if any penalties at all) for what the professor considers excessive absence.
However, as a matter of university policy—one based on the assumption that we seek to develop the whole person—student absences shall be excused when the student is engaged in one of the following extra-curricular activities:
1. Acting as an official representative and/or ambassador of the University (e.g., athletics, university choir, student ensembles).
2. Participating in a course-sponsored field trip.
3. Participating in any other activity deemed as reason for excuse by the vice president for academic affairs.
4. We assume, in addition, that each professor will excuse a reasonable number of absences for serious illness, injury, or serious family or personal crises. The professor may, at his or her prerogative, require verification of such personal crisis prior to approving such absence.