2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

School of Education Fees

Late Scheduling Fee

Students are expected to sign up for their courses online in a timely fashion. Students have up to three weeks before the beginning of the semester start date to add a class without a late fee. Students wanting to add a course less than three weeks prior to the start of the semester will be charged a $50.00 late scheduling fee. Any course schedules received less than two weeks before the start of class will not be accepted.

Course Cancellation Policy

Students who drop or withdraw from classes that have a required field experience on or after the first day of class will be assessed a $100 Field Experience Drop fee. Students wishing to drop a course before the deadline must notify the School of Education in writing by emailing barb.tackett@greenville.edu or amanda.worker@greenville.edu; by faxing a letter to 618-664-6884 or 618-664-1385, or sending a letter to School of Education at 315 E. College Ave. Greenville, IL 62246. Letters must be received by 4:30 the day before a course begins.

Professional Internship Cancellation Policy

Applications for the Professional Internship (Student Teaching) must be received by December 15th for the following academic year. If a student rescinds their application necessitating the cancellation of a student teaching placement, the following fees will apply according to the date of withdraw.

Cancellation by:
February 1st No Fee
March 31st $250
After April 1st $600

The cancellation fee may be waived for emergency situations that will be decided on a case by case basis by petition to the Director of Clinical Practice.

Summary of Costs 2018-2019
Application fee $30
Tuition (per credit hour)1 $449
Graduation Fee $149
Late Scheduling Fee (for the School of Education) $50
Course Cancellation Fee (for courses with a field experience component) $100
Professional Internship Cancellation Policy (fee depends on date) $250 or $600

1A one credit hour charge will be assessed if continuing advisement is required after the designated due date for the Master of Arts in Education thesis/project.