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Advancement Courses
Advancement Courses designs courses that are meaningful and relevant to today's classroom teachers. Through out the academic year, new courses will be created, current courses will be updated, and some courses will be retired. The list of Advancement Courses listed in the Greenville University catalog was accurate as of September 1, 2018. For an always current list of Advancement Courses, please visit their website at
EDUA 5110
Arts Education for Early Learning
EDUA 5112
Art & Drawing in Elementary
EDUA 5114
Teacing Classical Music
EDUA 5116
Teaching Jazz: History/Appreciation
EDUA 5120
Student Assessment in the Arts
EDUA 5124
Managing the Art Classroom
EDUA 5130
The A in STEAM Stands for Art
EDUA 5136
Fostering Artistic Literacy
EDUA 5211
America During the Thirties
EDUA 5213
America's Wars: Civil War - Vietnam
EDUA 5215
Ancient Greece
EDUA 5217
Ancient Rome: Rise of Empire
EDUA 5219
Ellis Island and Immigration
EDUA 5222
Forgotten Moments in History
EDUA 5224
History of American Women's Rights
EDUA 5226
History of Great Britain
EDUA 5228
History of Slavery in America
EDUA 5231
Developing a Historical Perspective
EDUA 5233
Teaching American Colonial History
EDUA 5235
Teaching the American Civil War
EDUA 5237
Teaching the American Revoution
EDUA 5239
Teaching Constitution/Bill of Right
EDUA 5242
Teaching the American Presidency
EDUA 5244
American Civil Rights Movement
EDUA 5246
Teaching Western Civilization Pt 1
EDUA 5247
Teaching Western Civilization Pt 2
EDUA 5249
Developing Civic Knowledge
EDUA 5301
Building Elementary Math Curriculum
EDUA 5302
Inquiry Through Science Notebooks
EDUA 5303
Closing the Gender Gap in STEM
EDUA 5307
Design/Implement STEM Instruction
EDUA 5309
Student Success in STEM
EDUA 5311
Teaching Scientific Inquiry Gr 3-8
EDUA 5313
Teaching Scientific Inquiry Gr 9-12
EDUA 5316
Adding Relevance to Teaching Math
EDUA 5317
Endangered Species/Mass Extinction
EDUA 5319
Students Studying Genetics
EDUA 5321
Exploring Climate Change
EDUA 5323
How the Weather Works
EDUA 5325
Engineering Design - Mid/High Sci
EDUA 5329
Ice Ages and Glaciation
EDUA 5331
Nature Education/Environmental Lite
EDUA 5335
Teaching Tough Topics in Biology
EDUA 5337
Next Generation Science Standards
EDUA 5339
Teaching Computer Science in K-5
EDUA 5340
Teaching Computer Science in 6-12
EDUA 5341
Problem Solving in Mathematics
EDUA 5342
Tech Tools for the Math Classroom
EDUA 5343
Effective Secondary Math Curriculum
EDUA 5345
Fundamentals-Teaching Mathematics
EDUA 5349
Real-World Applications for Algebra
EDUA 5350
Literacy Skills in Elem Math Class
EDUA 5355
Engaging Elem Science Instruction
EDUA 5359
This Amazing Planet Earth
EDUA 5361
Common Core Standards in Math 6-8
EDUA 5363
Teaching Environmental Science
EDUA 5365
Scientific Argument/Critical Think
EDUA 5367
Common Core Math Grades 9-12
EDUA 5369
Introduction to Astronomy
EDUA 5371
Common Core Standards in Math K-5
EDUA 5373
The Human Brain
EDUA 5379
The Language of Math
EDUA 5401
Active Reading vs. Passive Reading
EDUA 5420
Creative Projects in Literacy
EDUA 5421
Creative Projects in Literacy K-5
EDUA 5426
Research Writing in the Digital Age
EDUA 5430
Poetry in the Classroom
EDUA 5432
Teach Reading to Eng Lang Learners
EDUA 5434
Helping Kids Write
EDUA 5436
Comm Core Literacy Across Subjects
EDUA 5438
Journaling/Creative Writing in Elem
EDUA 5440
Literature to Teach Life Lessons
EDUA 5442
Effective Vocabulary Instruction
EDUA 5444
Building Students' Literacy
EDUA 5446
Graphic Novels in the Classroom
EDUA 5450
Sustained Silent Reading
EDUA 5452
Teach Read/Write Across Curriculum
EDUA 5453
Teaching Writing in Content Areas
EDUA 5454
Teach Shakespeare: Focus on Hamlet
EDUA 5456
Teach Writing: English Lang Learner
EDUA 5458
Common Core English Language Arts 6+
EDUA 5460
Comm Core English Lanugage Arts K-5
EDUA 5462
Using Journalism-Student Literacy
EDUA 5464
Teaching Oral & Written Argument
EDUA 5466
Guide to Teaching Grammar
EDUA 5468
Writing About Literature
EDUA 5470
Activate Creative K-5 ELA Literacy
EDUA 5471
Activate Creative ELA Literacy 6-12
EDUA 5478
Teaching Media Literacy
EDUA 5510
Teaching Beginning Golf: The Basics
EDUA 5511
Teaching Intermediate Golf
EDUA 5513
Teaching Golf From 40 Yards In
EDUA 5520
Athletic Speed and Agility
EDUA 5522
Basketball John Wooden's Way
EDUA 5524
Stretching Bodies and Minds
EDUA 5530
Coaching for Character
EDUA 5531
Coaching the Female Athlete
EDUA 5532
Motivating Athletes/Sports Psych
EDUA 5533
Job of the Athletic Director
EDUA 5534
The Psychology of Sport
EDUA 5535
Why Good Coaches Quit
EDUA 5543
Getting Kids Pumped in PE Class
EDUA 5544
Health, Wellness, and Fitness
EDUA 5545
Eating and Exercise Disorders
EDUA 5548
Healthy Habits to Prevent Obesity
EDUA 5550
Using Instructional Models in PE
EDUA 5554
Shaping Authentic PE Instruction
EDUA 5556
Integrating Tech into the PE Class
EDUA 5601
Positive Behavior Interventions
EDUA 5602
Applying the Habits of Mind
EDUA 5604
Supporting Children with ADD/ADHD
EDUA 5607
The Effects of Divorce on Children
EDUA 5609
Children's Friendships
EDUA 5612
Prioritizing Safe Learning
EDUA 5614
Create Space for Open Conversations
EDUA 5616
Overcoming Depression
EDUA 5621
Kindness: Can it be Taught
EDUA 5623
Self-Regulated Learning via Journal
EDUA 5624
Conflict Resolution: Elem Teacher
EDUA 5627
Student Character/Service Learning
EDUA 5630
Child Development/Psychology-Middle
EDUA 5631
Framing Difficult Conversations
EDUA 5636
Perspectives on Social Justice Ed
EDUA 5638
Relationships with Students
EDUA 5640
Strategies for Student Anxiety
EDUA 5643
Supporting Teens with ADD/ADHD
EDUA 5645
Students with Learning Disabilities
EDUA 5647
Preventing Youth Suicide
Facilitating Communication
EDUA 5652
Students with Low Functioning Autism
EDUA 5653
Narrative in the Classroom
EDUA 5654
Safe Spaces and Affirming Faces
EDUA 5655
Educating for Character & Values
EDUA 5656
Emotions and Learning
EDUA 5659
Bullying Today
EDUA 5661
Importance of Play/Developing Child
EDUA 5664
Drugs, Kids, and Teachers
EDUA 5666
Building Cultural Competency
EDUA 5667
The Teenage Brain: How it Works
EDUA 5682
Ethical/Legal/Prof Issues Counsel
EDUA 5684
Cultivating Digital Citizenship
EDUA 5686
Global Citizens in World Crisis Ed
EDUA 5691
Teaching Multicultural Students
EDUA 5696
Building Meaningful Partnerships
EDUA 5701
Teach Students of Military Families
EDUA 5702
Instruction for Gifted Students
EDUA 5704
From Burnout to Productivity
EDUA 5706
Achieving a Work-Life Balance
EDUA 5708
Educator's Guide to the Common Core
EDUA 5710
Tablets to Support Instruction
EDUA 5714
Cultivating Youth Activists
EDUA 5715
Flipping Your Classroom
EDUA 5716
The Growth Mindset
EDUA 5718
Formative Assessment of Teach/Learn
EDUA 5720
Teach Speak/Listen Skills to ELL
EDUA 5722
Effective Classroom Management
EDUA 5724
Coaching Students Toward College
EDUA 5725
Building Blocks for Success
EDUA 5726
Reaching & Teaching Gifted Students
EDUA 5727
Building Parent Engagement
EDUA 5728
Teaching Poverty's Children
EDUA 5732
Essential Teaching Practices
EDUA 5737
Empowering with Educational Equity
EDUA 5738
Students w/ High Functioning Autism
EDUA 5740
The Abused Child: You Can Help
EDUA 5748
Teaching African-American Students
EDUA 5749
Cooperative Learning Classroom
EDUA 5752
The Personal Essay: Knowledge
EDUA 5754
Student-Centered Classrooms
EDUA 5756
Classroom Management Strategies
EDUA 5758
What, Why, How of Universal Design
EDUA 5760
Understanding Dyslexia
EDUA 5762
Using Multiple Intelligence Theory
EDUA 5765
Differentiated Instruction
EDUA 5770
Essential Classroom Technology
EDUA 5772
Time Management for Teachers
EDUA 5774
Student Achievement in Gamification
EDUA 5775
Establish Order in Your Classroom
EDUA 5780
Project-Based Learning in Elem
EDUA 5781
Project-Based Learning Middle/High
EDUA 5785
Academic and Emotional Adversity
EDUA 5786
Rewiring Education
EDUA 5787
Teach Spec Ed: Focus on Abilities
EDUA 5788
Special Education: Process & Law
EDUA 5790
Special Needs and Education
EDUA 5793
Better Teaching and Learning
EDUA 5794
Stress Reduction for Better Teaching
EDUA 5795
Guide to Teaching Study Skills
EDUA 5809
Discussing Violence/Trauma K-8
EDUA 5810
Discussing Violence/Trauma 9-12
EDUA 5816
Maintaining Your Passion for Teaching
EDUA 5817
Cognitive Coaching in Education
EDUA 5820
Building Film Study in Instruction
EDUA 5822
Data to Drive Improvement in Ed
EDUA 5824
Creating an Engaging Lesson Plan
EDUA 5825
Approach to Partnering Pedagogy
EDUA 5827
Effective Communication Skills
EDUA 5829
Presentation Skills for Success
EDUA 5831
Classroom Management Strategies
EDUA 5832
Construct and Evaluate Curriculum
Designing Online Assessments
EDUA 5835
Co-Teaching Strategies
EDUA 5836
ePortfolio Tools for the Classroom
EDUA 5839
Grading for Mastery
EDUA 5840
Instructing Diverse Populations
EDUA 5841
Fostering Teacher Collaboration
EDUA 5843
Effective Questioning Strategies
EDUA 5847
Motivating Unmotivated Students
EDUA 5850
Teaching AP Classes
EDUA 5852
Teaching for Rigor in K-12 Classes
EDUA 5853
The 4 C's of Project Based Learning
EDUA 5855
Using Anchor Charts: Teaching Tools
EDUA 5857
Blended Learning for Engage/Achieve
EDUA 5859
Craft Measurable Learning Outcomes
EDUA 5860
The 4 Levels of Depth of Knowledge
EDUA 5862
Technology in the Inclusive Class
EDUA 5863
Tech to Support Special Needs Stud
EDUA 5868
Deconstructing the IEP
EDUA 5909
RAMPing for Counselors
EDUA 5929
Create Powerful Beginnings/Endings
EDUA 5939
The Press in a Free Society
EDUA 5943
Get Connected with Social Media
EDUA 5947
Social Media Tools for Teach/Learn
EDUA 5949
Making Thinking Visible
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2018-2019 Graduate Catalog