2.8.20 : Health and Safety Inspections
Health and Safety inspections may be conducted two or more times each semester in the residence halls and houses. Additional inspections can be conducted at the discretion of the RD.
The Health and Safety inspection is an inspection of rooms to discover and eliminate health and fire hazards to ensure the well-being of the resident. Also, it is an opportunity to communicate any room or building concerns directly to the RD and RC. Residents will be encouraged to be present during the inspection, or his/her room will be keyed into during the scheduled inspection time.
This activity is preceded by at least a twenty-four-hour posted notice. A Health and Safety inspection is performed to assess risks and quality of living space both for the benefit of the student and university. The principal inspection focuses on fire safety and cleanliness. In addition, the staff may take note of and follow up on violations of the student conduct code. Health and Safety violation must be re-addressed within twenty-four hours for follow-up inspection.