Student Handbooks

2.8.34 : Overnight Guests

Students may host one guest at a time, free of charge, provided he/she has contacted the supervising RD and RA before the guest’s arrival. A guest is defined as an off-campus visitor of the same sex who was invited to stay in one’s room. All guests must register with the respective RD.

The following regulations will govern such visits:

1.    A guest must limit his/her visits to no more than two nights per week, per month.

2.    Unavoidable delays or extenuating circumstances constitute the only justification for a guest staying beyond the specified time. Should such circumstances occur a $7.00 fee per night will be assessed for subsequent nights until departure.

3.    Guests who are not charged must stay in the host’s room. The University will not provide mattresses; do not transfer them from another room. Do not use lounge furniture for sleeping purposes.

4.    The host student is totally responsible for the behavior of his/her guest

5.    The host student is responsible for procuring a guest parking pass from the Department of Campus Safety for their guest. There is no charge for this pass, and holders are subject to the same parking rules as residents.