2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

EDUT 5093 3 Dimensions of Teaching with NGSS

3 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Whether you are new to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), or have started to dig in, we’re here to help you navigate! With strong resources and examples, this course will increase your knowledge on the basics of 3D Learning in Science, setting you on a path to discovery-based teaching. Find out how to use the Practices, Cross-Cutting, and Disciplinary Core Ideas to design and align your lessons with the NGSS. Apply Engineering Design to help your students create something spectacular. Finally, discover how to ensure lesson alignment to NGSS using the EQuIP Rubric. Level up your science instruction skills and leave the course with the knowledge you need to apply NGSS 3D Learning.
