2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

EDUT 5346 Cultivate Historical Thinking

Cultivate Historical Thinking with Inquiry-Based Labs

Ignite student curiosity and deepen historical thinking with inquiry-based history labs! Whether your curriculum centers on ancient civilizations or modern movements, this course will guide you in creating engaging, investigative learning experiences that go beyond the traditional textbook techniques. Learn how to craft compelling historical questions, curate diverse sources for student analysis, and scaffold the inquiry process to support all learners. Integrate historical literacy, thinking, and argumentation skills, and prepare students for rigorous inquiry with skills like sourcing and considering multiple perspectives. Discover effective approaches for teaching “hard history,” facilitate meaningful discussions, and design assessments that measure both content knowledge and historical thinking skills. By the end of this course, you'll develop a dynamic history lab that fosters critical thinking, deep understanding, and lasting engagement with the past. This course format builds from module to module in a way that allows you to work through each of the essential ideas in smaller, more focused segments. You’ll find the same great resources and applicable assignments, distributed over 10 modules.

