EDUT 5345 Reading - Multilingual Learners
Reading Instruction for Multilingual Learners
Empower your multilingual learners (MLLs) to become confident readers! Supporting the reading development of students learning English, requires an asset-based approach that honors and supports their home language while also advancing English skills. In this course, you’ll learn research-based literacy strategies and targeted language supports to boost the reading skills of your MLLs. You’ll expand the one-size-fits-all Science of Reading framework, to embrace the power of translanguaging, phonology, morphology, and other key components of reading instruction. Through reflection on current practices and investigation of new approaches, you'll develop a deeper understanding of how to cultivate language and reading development simultaneously, ensuring all learners thrive. Ideal for general educators, support specialists, and English language development (ELD) co-teachers tasked with providing reading instruction, this course aims to equip you with the foundational knowledge and practical strategies necessary to unlock the full potential of every multilingual reader in your classroom. This course format builds from module to module in a way that allows you to work through each of the essential ideas in smaller, more focused segments. You’ll find the same great resources and applicable assignments, distributed over 10 modules.