EDUT 5305 Love, Literacy, and Liberation in the Culturally Inclusive Classroom
Love, Literacy, and Liberation in the Culturally Inclusive Classroom
When asked to describe how you feel about your students, a word like “love” would come as no surprise. But, what does it mean to practice revolutionary love, the kind of love that is backed by action and intentionality? In this course, you will reflect on your own current teaching practice by participating in an audit of your curriculum and literature resources, school policies, and practices. Based on these results, you will develop a variety of lesson plans, activities, and initiatives to support students’ linguistic diversity, reading and writing development, and family and community engagement. By the end of the course, you will not only have more tools for literacy instruction, but you will also have a new understanding of what it means to be a culturally inclusive educator who not only believes in love but enacts it!