2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

EDUT 5263 Cognitive Rigor Strategies

Enhancing Learning through Cognitive Rigor Strategies 

It seems everywhere you turn, there’s an article or blog post emphasizing the importance of “rigor” in the classroom. But what exactly is rigor, and how do you incorporate it on a practical level in your classroom? In this course, you will examine what it means to teach for rigor as well as the benefits of rigorous instruction. Multimedia course content and activities will build your understanding of cognitive rigor as you categorize learning tasks using Bloom’s Taxonomy, Depth of Knowledge, as well as the Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrix. Through examples and curated resources, you will discover a number of ways to create and revise learning tasks and lessons to increase rigor and provide the appropriate support and scaffolds to ensure each student meets the goals you set with them.

