EDUT 5327 SEL Skills and Practices for High Potential and Gifted Students
SEL Skills and Practices for High Potential and Gifted Students
While gifted and twice exceptional (2e) students are identified based on talent or affinities, this course addresses students’ often overlooked need for social-emotional learning (SEL) skills. Explore research-based, practical strategies for differentiating instruction for diverse learners, engaging both under- and overachieving students, and create an instructional artifact for colleagues to understand SEL goals for gifted and 2e learners. Analyze and evaluate district and school policies for diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure equitable access for high-potential students. Understand how to mitigate challenges like perfectionism and worrying, while teaching resilience skills. Regardless of content area or specialty, all teachers, participants will have a strong understanding of how to support both the academic and emotional needs of gifted and 2e students.