2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

EDUT 5129 Educational Innovation with Arts

Educational Innovation with Arts Integration

Transform learning in your classroom with arts integration! In this innovative approach, students deepen learning of core content through arts experiences, while fostering understanding and appreciation of the art form. Arts integration offers authentic opportunities for differentiation, UDL, culturally responsive teaching, and social-emotional learning to meet students’ individual needs. Discover why and how the arts enhance engagement, creativity, and achievement, while boosting 21st century skills. Foster a safe classroom environment where creative risk-taking, collaborative problem-solving, and students’ identities are encouraged and celebrated. Don’t consider yourself an artist? This course will help! We’ll share resources to prepare all PreK through high school teachers to integrate visual and media arts, music, dance, and theater into any grade level or content area. Whether you’re an arts educator interested in expanding arts opportunities in your school, or a teacher of any subject, you’ll complete this course inspired and energized to spark deeper learning with arts integration!
