EDUT 5314 Trauma-Informed Practices with Equity
Re-Imagining Trauma-Informed Practices With Equity
We know students experience trauma in a variety of contexts, both in and out of school. While we cannot always change the circumstances around trauma, we can ensure all students are cared for by incorporating equity principles as part of our trauma-informed practices, and this course will guide you toward that goal. You’ll engage with ways to implement strategies to push back against deficit thinking, foster unconditional positive regard, and establish healthy boundaries within the classroom. Explore opportunities to incorporate movement or art as therapeutic tools for healing, and to develop a collaborative activity based on critical consciousness. Learn how to challenge the status quo by evaluating school policies to align with equity-centered, trauma-informed practices. By the end of this course, participants will have the tools and framework needed to create a more
inclusive and supportive educational environment for all students.