2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

EDUA 5600 Fostering Interaction Online


For many people, online learning brings to mind the image of a student sitting isolated with nothing but a computer for company. But as a teacher, you know that rich learning experiences require interaction, and the best lessons often involve more than just teacher-to-student interaction. When students engage and collaborate with their peers, they will enjoy the class more and ultimately benefit more from online learning.   

In this course, you’ll examine how to effectively map out, design, and leverage a range of techniques to get your students interacting online. You’ll explore the different types of barriers to engagement (social, motivational, and cultural) and develop a plan to overcome these barriers using online learning tools. Finally, you’ll learn how to design lessons that incorporate dynamic online discussions and activities that will keep your students engaged all year long.   

Using the best practices from this course, you will be able to help increase student-to-student engagement and foster a greater love of learning.
