2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

EDUA 5885 Student Accountability-Online Learn


With the abrupt shift to online learning in 2020, many teachers were left without their usual strategies for helping students stay motivated and take responsibility for their learning. To effectively hold students accountable, whether online or in person, we must first make them active participants in the learning process. This course shows you how.

In this course, you’ll learn to harness the power of authentic learning experiences to help students see how their learning is meaningful and connected to the real world. You’ll learn the importance of developing students’ executive functioning skills to foster independent learning and investigate ways to create classroom spaces and curricula that are inviting and engaging. In addition, you’ll explore ways to get families involved and build support systems that empower students to learn.

Finally, you’ll assess your school and classroom practices to ensure they are equitable for all learners, and that they motivate students to achieve their highest potential. Using the techniques from this course, you’ll be able to put students in the driver’s seat by teaching them to manage, measure, and be excited about their own learning.
