2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

EDUA 5670 Addressing Ableism in Schools


We’ve come a long way in ensuring that students with disabilities receive the education they deserve. Advances in research, regulation, and funding have led to increased awareness and resources for K–12 classrooms across the country. However, many educators aren’t aware of the ongoing issue of ableism: that is, the discrimination and social prejudice against people with disabilities based on the belief that people with typical abilities are superior. 

In this course, you will learn how to identify ableism and foster a more inclusive classroom environment for students of all abilities. You’ll examine how ableism, when unaddressed, can affect our interactions with students and ultimately impact their educational experience. After taking some time to reflect and address possible biases, you’ll turn your attention to developing classroom activities and lesson plans to combat ableism in the classroom. You’ll examine information and tools that will help you and your students avoid ableist language, break down barriers, and encourage a more welcoming space. 

Using the tools from this course, you will be able to create a classroom culture of respect, rapport, and inclusivity, and ensure your students are more culturally competent classmates and citizens.
