2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

EDUA 5664 Drugs, Kids, and Teachers


When young people experiment with drugs and alcohol—and statistics indicate that many of them do—it can be damaging to students’ motivation, engagement, and academic performance, not to mention their health. Occasional or “gateway” experimentation can quickly lead to addiction, accidental or intentional injury to self or others, and negative long-term social, emotional, and academic outcomes.  

For teachers, it can be hard to tell whether students are using drugs. Students don’t always show obvious signs of drug use or abuse, and there is no easy way to predict which ones will. What you can do, however, is recognize risk factors, implement preventative measures, and intervene in appropriate and effective ways. 

In this course, you will learn about the drugs teenagers commonly use and where they access them. You will examine factors that often lead to drug use so you can better identify students who are at risk. In addition, you will develop both preventative strategies and strategies for intervening when students do use drugs.  

With the knowledge you gain in this course, you will be prepared to educate parents and the community so they can partner with you to keep your students safe and sober.
