2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

EDUA 5715 Flipping Your Classroom


Would you be willing to turn your traditional classroom on its head if you thought it would increase student engagement and achievement? Flipped learning—a new framework for instruction—does just that.   

In a flipped classroom, the teacher inverts traditional teaching methods by delivering instruction online and through videos outside of the classroom and moving homework into the classroom. This method provides students with ample opportunities to engage in authentic, application-based learning with timely and consistent feedback from the teacher.  

In this course, you will examine different flipped learning models and select one that works for your students’ diverse interests and needs. You will learn the basics of transforming your existing practices and materials into tools that support this model, developing new technical knowledge, and an understanding of accessibility along the way. You will develop strategies for overcoming the potential challenges of switching to this model, and also set up a learning management system (LMS) to help you streamline your course content. Additionally, you will examine how this model of student-centered instruction can empower digital literacy and self-directed learners. Finally, you will plan differentiated learning activities and assessments that will help your students master the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.   

In a flipped learning environment, you can increase student motivation, manage student behavior, and differentiate instruction in a brand-new way. This course gives you all the tools you need to flip your classroom in a way that works for your teaching style and your unique population of students. 

