2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

EDUA 5724 Coaching Students Toward College


Most students enter high school believing that they will attend college at some point, but not all students end up matriculating. Clearly, there are some challenges to turning college aspiration to college attainment. To coach students toward college, educators need to consider students’ academic preparation, social-emotional skills, and the support of families and community members in helping each student enter (and finish) college.

This course helps educators plan to better support students in their journey to college. In addition to discussing the role of the school counselor in motivating college and career readiness, the course provides strategies for gaining student, parent, and community buy-in to all students’ success. The course also suggests ways to cultivate a college-going culture and recommends resources for clarifying the process of applying for admission and financial aid. Finally, the course discusses how to support students’ transition from high school to college, including re-evaluating the purpose and value of a college degree.
