2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

EDUA 5738 Students w/ High Functioning Autism


The number of students with autism in schools seems to be increasing. We will explore the reasons for this increase, specifically in terms of those students who are considered to have high-functioning autism. Viewing the autism spectrum as a continuum, we will focus in particular on students who might have been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome as well as those who are twice exceptional.  

This course will examine student needs and educator support strategies and systems with regard to academic needs, behavior, and social realms. We will discuss both the mental health needs of the students and other physical issues that people with high-functioning autism often experience. Emphasis will be placed on how the intersection of race, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status can affect identification and treatment plans for the students. Finally, we will consider transition planning for the students, exploring grade and school-level transitions as well as the important shift to life after high school.
