2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

EDUA 5873 Prepare Students for the Workforce



Determining a career path has become a complex process as our society advances and people become more specialized. High school students are expected to make decisions that will impact their education, families, lifestyles, and life satisfaction for years to come. Teachers play a crucial role in helping their students navigate this critical time of life, so it’s essential that educators have a good framework for guiding students through these decisions.
Building upon the work of classic career theorists, including John Holland and Donald Super, this course will take a comprehensive look at the career decision-making process, beginning with distinguishing between a career and a job or hobby, through selecting a career and landing and keeping a job. You’ll develop strategies for helping students understand themselves and identify personal preferences, values, and strengths. In addition, you’ll learn the processes involved in identifying motivation sources, exploring potential careers, and honing the soft and hard skills students need to develop as professionals.
Using the techniques from this course, you will be prepared to guide your students through the process of becoming career-ready professionals who have a strong foundation for making the decisions that await them.
